- ascetic: 禁欲的
ascetic lifestyle
- ascribe: 帰する
ascribe to fate
- askew: 曲がった
askew angle
- aspire: 目指す
aspire to greatness
- assert: 主張する
assert dominance
- assign: 割り当てる
assign a task
- associate: 准教授
associate professor
- associative: 連想的
associative thinking
- as is: 通常
as is often the case
- as it stands: 現状
as it stands now
- as with: と同様に
as with any complex problem
- as would be: 予想されるように
as would be expected with
- ascendant: 台頭する
rising ascendant power
- ascribe: 帰する
ascribe deep meaning
- aspiration: 願望
strong aspiration for success
- aspire: 志す
aspire to true greatness
- ass off: 一生懸命に
work one's ass off
- assemble: 結成する
assemble an effective team
- assert: 主張する
assert global dominance
- assertion: 主張
firm assertion of rights
- assertive: 断固たる
maintain assertive attitude
- assimilate: 同化する
assimilate diverse cultures
- apprehensive: 不安
apprehensive about changes
- apprentice: 徒弟
apprentice under a master
- apropos: 適切な
apropos comment
- arbitrary: 勝手な
arbitrary decision
- ardent: 熱心な
ardent supporter
